Much of our work in psychotherapy is around creating awareness of the way we are in the world and in relationship – to others and ourselves. Once we are truly aware, we have the power to make informed choices and then change our lives accordingly.

These are all videos that I regularly share with clients, as they offer a range of insights and potentially transformative ideas for living. If anything in these videos speaks to you, don’t let it get away. Note it down and talk it through with your best friend, mother, cousin or therapist.


The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown

Brené Brown describes her life-changing research into the areas of authenticity and connection through vulnerability. Her viral TED Talk is a powerful and entertaining look at how the courage to be vulnerable can change lives.


Listening to shame | Brené Brown

Shame is insidious. It creeps through our lives and corrupts our thoughts and behaviours. It drags us into a dark place that can be very difficult to live in. So what happens when we confront shame? Brené Brown follows her Vulnerability TED Talk with a poignant and entertaining look at the parts of us we’ve kept hidden for so long.


The importance of overcoming struggles

As hard as life can feel, it is adversity and struggle that brings purpose and meaning to our lives. This short video describes the concept beautifully.


How do lobsters grow?

Change is uncomfortable, but it is generally far easier than staying stuck. Conversely, discomfort is usually a signal that change is necessary. Dr Abraham Twerski’s wonderful piece of wisdom is brilliant in its simplicity and profound truth.


The art of being yourself | Caroline McHugh

Teacher, coach and author Caroline McHugh explores a number of big areas around personal identity: ego, individualism and the courage to find your authentic self. Witty and profound, this video is a must-see for anyone struggling with social anxiety.


Understanding addiction

Addiction is not just about consuming unhealthy amounts of drugs and alcohol. It can creep into our lives in many guises, from excessive phone use, shopping, video games or gambling – anything we use to buffer ourselves from discomfort or “numb out” when life feels overwhelming.


How childhood trauma leads to addiction

Gabor Maté describes the origins of addictive behaviour in childhood. This entertaining video offers great insight how the addiction manifests and is maintained by our early survival responses. Addiction, according to Maté, is not genetic or about choice. It is about attachment and authenticity. See if this makes sense in your life.